ICS 121: Expressing User Needs
- How formal? What tools to use?
- A template document for user needs
How formal? What tools to use?
- Most development methods seek a detailed set of requirements
in some format.
- But, at this point, we are just gathering information
- And, not all of the team members gathering the information may be
highly technical
- So, it is best to have a very simple notation and tools
- This information will be used to create more formal
requirements documents later
- Let's choose natural language text with a simple document
- We will also emphasize maintaining quotations or
references to direct observations.
- We will include "user stories", a notation from
XP and other Agile methodologies
- Note that we are choosing this notation.
- Every software development artifact is written in some
- Not every detail of every notation comes out of a textbook,
you can make up your own or borrow some ideas from the standards
that you know.
- Look at the properties of the notation and judge whether it is
appropriate to the goals for that activity in your method.
A Template Document for User Needs
sample use case templateexample test plan templateProject plan template