ICS 125: Design and code reviews
- What are Reviews?
- Why use Reviews?
- How to Conduct Reviews
- Who does Reviews
- When to Review?
- Review Tools and Tips
- Further Reading on Reviews
- Items in a Review Report
- Your project > Your review meeting assignment
What are Reviews?
- A review is a development activity where team members
carefully, methodically look at requirements, designs, UI, code, or
other artifacts.
- A review is usually a meeting, although the trend is toward
doing reviews more on-line.
- Two major types of reviews disucssed in the literature:
- Walkthrough: less formal
- Inspection: more formal
- These will be discussed more below
- You can adjust the method to fit your project
- Two types of issues that reviews help find:
- Implementation issues: e.g., coding errors, missing test
cases, poor coding style
- Validation issues: raise questions about what is really
desired, and what is feasible
Why use Reviews?
- The main goal of reviews is to find defects
- Reviews are a good compliment to testing to help assure quality
- As compared to testing, reviews can often:
- Find certain defects that would not be found in testing
- Find certain defects sooner than testing
- Find certain defects with less effort testing
- Other important goals of reviews:
- Keep developers familiar with the work done by other developers
- Align expectations with reality
- Foster SPI: e.g., build checklists
- Generate partial defect metrics early
How to Conduct Reviews
- Two main types of reviews
- Walkthroughs: less formal
- Participants make lists of questions and probable defects
- Participants meet and go over lists
- They discuss each item on each person's list
- Inspections: more formal
- Participants meet and go over document/code line-by-line
- Participants "play computer" or discuss correctness proofs
- They use checklists/experience to identify potential problems
- Produce report of defects found
- After defects are fixed, produce another report describing resolutions
- Common features of both
- A handful of participants: 3-6
- A review meeting takes a little planning ahead of time
- Participants must study document/code independently before meeting
- The meeting is to identify potential issues
- Meeting time is typically limited to at most 2 hours per day
- Limited time means that the documents/code to review should be carefully choosen
- All issues identified must be tracked to completion
- Also useful
- Personal review of one's own work. Schedule time for it and track issues.
- Buddy review (only 2 people). Frequent small meetings.
Who does Reviews?
- Requirements reviews:
- Led by product management
- Participants from every affected department
- Design reviews:
- Led by QA team member
- Participants from development team and QA
- Code reviews:
- Led by QA team member
- Participants from development team and QA
- All reviews:
- It is important to have some experienced people
- Junior team members can learn and contribute too
- Management should get report, usually not participate directly
- Reviews are not intended to evaluate employee performance
When to Review?
- Early and often
- "Early" saves money because less is built on top of faulty code,
requirements, or design
- Early finding helps estimate number of defects before too late
- Early fixing helps estimate effort to fix before too late,
creates and uncovers
- Often helps catch individual defects before they can
interact, or mask each other
- Specific times
- Regularly scheduled: e.g., pick a few things to review every week
- this is my recommendation
- use other criteria to select review items
- Milestone-driven: Set review goals for internal milestones
- Change-control: Buddy/review all changes to maintence branches
- Risk-driven: Use reviews to manage identified risks
- When not to work on reviews?
- When you dont know what to look for. You need better requirements.
- When you find too many defects. Go back to the requirments and design and find out what went wrong
- When you are getting tired of remembering rules. Take time to find/write/update checklists or automation.
- When too many major defects are found but not yet fixed. Current reviews will be invalidated by all the changes
Review Tools and Tips
- Tools for reviews
- Checklists: ask probing questions, list recurring
- Recently discovered defects in other areas: they could occur here too
- Static analysis tools: lint,
Jcsc, also try
setting compiler warning level options
Tips on successful reviews:
- Try to do most work through an issue tracker
- Make the review process "not personal" by relying on
checklists, tools, guidelines that apply to everyone equally
- Focus attention on key aspects or risks: e.g., security,
- DO NOT try to solve issues during the review, that happens independently
- Defects are not the only outcome: also build shared
understanding. Write it down in report, documentation, comments,
or assert statements.
Further Reading on Reviews
- Books on "peer reviews", "inspections", "walkthroughs", "quality", or general software engineering books
- Websites: ProcessImpact.com, tigris.org
- Any of the tool mentioned above
Items in a review report
- Indentifying information: project name, release, date of meeting
- List of participants
- List of reviewed items
- IZ query to show issues associated with this review meeting
- 1-3 paragraph summary of what happened at the meeting
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