ICS 127: Adv. Project in Software Engineering

Course Information

NumberICS 127
TitleAdv. Project in Software Engineering
QuarterWinter 2003
Course Code36230
InstructorJason Robbins
LectureT Th 5-6:20pm, 134 Steinhaus Hall (Bio I)
TAChris Luer
LabM W F 5-6:50pm, CS 193


Lecture Date Topics Deliverables Reading
1a 2003/1/7
Course information and goals
Survey of student background
Survey course reading
1b 2003/1/9
Elements of the "larger product"
Members of the "larger team"
Materials and facilities for development
Using HTML for early prototypes
How to propose a project
Optional Bays Ch. 1
2a 2003/1/14
Planning and scheduling, releases
Staffing: hiring, outsourcing, managing?
How to give a status report
Team assignments
Optional McConnell Ch. 1, 3, 21, 22
2b 2003/1/16
Project website design
Quick overview of deliverables
Project proposal
Thirteen steps to a successful system demo
Website usability resources
3a 2003/1/21
Release checklists
Version control 1: CVS
Status email-1
3b 2003/1/23
Automated builds: Ant
4a 2003/1/28
Issue tracking: IZ
Typical risks in development
Design and code reviews
Release 0.5.0 checklist
Branch 0.5.0
Optional Bays Ch. 5
Optional McConnell Ch. 24
Resources on inspections and reviews
4b 2003/1/30 Presentations
Release 0.5.0
Status presentation-1
Something on requirements
5a 2003/2/4
Practical Requirements Techniques
Status email-2
5b 2003/2/6
Practical Design Techniques
Release 0.5.1
Optional McConnell Ch. 4-7
6a 2003/2/11 TBD
Status email-3
6b 2003/2/13
Optional McConnell Ch. 24
7a 2003/2/18
Status presentation-2
7b 2003/2/20
Builds and integration
Optional Bays Ch. 4, 6
8a 2003/2/25
Unit test frameworks: JUnit
Status email-4
Optional McConnell Ch. 24
8b 2003/2/27
Version control continued
Review meeting notes
Optional Bays Ch. 3, 7
9a 2003/3/4 TBD Status email-5
9b 2003/3/6
Documents for marketing
Documents for tech support
Release 1.0.0 checklist
Branch 1.0.0
10a 2003/3/11 Advanced topics TBA
Release 1.0.0
Final presentation
Optional McConnell Ch. 33
10b 2003/3/13 Advanced topics TBA
Finals TBA No lecture
Release 1.0.1
Final exam
Project postmortem report
Sample postmortem report

Deliverables and Grading

AssignmentWeightDue date
Team assignments0%2003/1/14
Project proposal5%2003/1/16
Release 0.5.010%2003/1/30
Release 0.5.120%2003/2/6
Release 1.0.010%2003/3/11
Release 1.0.120%2003/3/19
Final exam10%TBD
All status emails and team web site10%Several, see above
All presentations5%Several, see above
Checklists, review, post-mortem10%Several, see above

Textbooks and Reading

Development Document Templates